In the realm of child development, cognitive thinking is the centerpiece of learning, comprehension, and problem-solving. For Black children, nurturing these skills is not just a matter of academic success but a powerful tool to overcome societal challenges and propel future achievements.
Cognitive thinking refers to the brain’s ability to process information, remember, solve problems, and make decisions. It’s like a muscle—the more you use it, the stronger it becomes. Encouraging cognitive thinking in the Black child provides a solid foundation for scholastic triumph, cultivates creativity, and equips them to navigate a complex world.
- Start early and at home. Incorporating play-based learning, like puzzles and memory games, can significantly enhance cognitive thinking. Reading to your child, storytelling, and engaging them in conversations boosts their language skills and critical thinking[^1^].
2. Encourage curiosity. An environment that fosters curiosity and the freedom to ask questions fuels cognitive development. It not only builds knowledge but instills a lifelong love for learning.
3. Incorporate cultural and historical education. In the context of Black children, this is a powerful tool to build self-esteem, identity, and resilience[^2^]. Knowing their rich history and cultural legacy nurtures a sense of pride and a strong self-concept, key elements of cognitive development.
4. Finally, patience and encouragement go a long way. Celebrate your child’s achievements, no matter how small. This will build their confidence, encourage persistence, and promote a growth mindset.
In conclusion, fostering cognitive thinking in the Black child is a transformative step towards nurturing resilient, empowered individuals who are well-equipped to shape their future and influence their communities. This is more than an educational imperative; it’s a societal necessity for the advancement of the Black community.
[^1^] Fantuzzo, J., Perry, M. A., & McDermott, P. (2004). Preschool approaches to learning and their relationship to other relevant classroom competencies for low-income children. School Psychology Quarterly, 19(3), 212.
[^2^] Hughes, D., Rodriguez, J., Smith, E. P., Johnson, D. J., Stevenson, H. C., & Spicer, P. (2006). Parents’ ethnic-racial socialization practices: a review of research and directions for future study. Developmental Psychology, 42(5), 747.
With Love, Lakischa Smith
Meet Lakischa Smith, a proud mother and a dedicated public health advocate. With a Bachelor’s from Dillard University and a Master’s in Public Health from Florida International University, she’s committed to sharing honest narratives about black motherhood. Lakischa believes in fostering sisterhood to combat the pervasive forces of white supremacy, and empowering African American women to be agents of change for future generations. She asserts that recognizing and addressing our community’s struggles is crucial, for healing is the key to moving forward. Armed with the power of education and a deep belief in collective action, Lakischa is determined to ensure that the issues impacting African American maternal health aren’t just seen—they’re addressed and resolved.